224 pages and DVD
Pots and Princes – Ceramic vessels and stove tiles from 1400-1700 tells about the significance of ceramic vessels and stove tiles in the cultural history of medieval and early modern Northern Europe.
The various forms and rich decorative motifs of ceramic vessels and stove tiles reflect the social, religious, political and economic changes of their time. Their migration from the home district of German Hanseatic merchants to the Baltic Sea region bears witness to the creation of a common material culture and the adoption of uniform customs throughout Northern Europe.
This work is based on an archaeological exhibition by Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum in Turku, Finland, which presented over 300 artefacts from the collections of eighteen museums in the Nordic Countries and the Baltic Sea region. The thirteen scholarly articles in this publication provide a unique survey of the development of redware vessels and ceramic stove tiles as well as of the start of their local production throughout Northern Europe. The catalogue presents beautiful colour photographs of the objects displayed in the exhibition.
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